About the Journal

SketchIN, Architecture and Design Magazine is a biannual magazine of the Graduate Division of the Faculty of Engineering published by the Autonomous University of Querétaro, through the University Editorial Fund.


General objectives

  • Disseminate academic research, essays and projects in the areas of Design, Architecture and Urbanism, with topics of innovation, processes and tools for design, architectural and design projects, sustainability, urban analysis and interventions, smart cities, product design, design strategic, as well as original research and theories that contribute to the development of these disciplines.
  • Provide an interdisciplinary space for reflection, research and dissemination of knowledge in Architecture, Design and Urbanism.
  • Bring the ideas, representations and proposals of the authors to the reader in an attractive and understandable way in order to provoke critical reflection on our environment and its possible improvement.



SketchIN content is organized into three categories

A. Original research articles (will be judged in the blind pair modality)

The works presented within this category must disseminate design research content developed in a formal and substantiated manner, according to the following design research modalities:

  1. Research in the design process.
    In this modality, processes and results of the disciplines related to design as an activity are presented, starting from problems of human activity in context. The objective is to show the processes and tools that underpin the proposed solutions.

  2. Research about design.
    In this modality, scientific and original research works about the discipline of design are presented. Theories, history, analysis of events and in general any research work that analyzes and observes the design disciplines and what surrounds them can be presented.

  3. Research for the design process.
    In this modality, scientific research works and original proposals are presented that contribute to improving the design processes, through tools and strategies for obtaining, analysis of information on the problems, formation of solution proposals, composition strategies and tools or strategic design and in general everything related to the objective of improving the design processes and the formation of the solution.

  4. Research on the design process.
    In this modality, scientific and original research works analyzing the results of design processes are shown. That is, the relationship between the objectives of design processes and the implementation of their results in context is studied, with the aim of supporting future decisions and processes for designers. In this modality it is necessary that the result of the design process has been exposed to the context and situations that were sought to be anticipated.

B. Essays and popular articles (refereed or invited review)

The works presented within this category must be related to the areas of architecture, urban planning, design and innovation. Likewise, they may be, but are not limited to, critical essays, analysis, opinion articles, criticism or dissemination of research and topics related to the content of the magazine.


C. Projects (refereed or invitational review)

Within this category, design projects and proposals from the architectural, industrial, product, strategic, urban or territorial intervention fields and other topics related to the contents of the magazine must be presented. The works must show both processes and results of the project, incorporating in the text the objectives or intentions and, in a general or specific way, the analysis or research that based the project decisions. Both completed and academic projects will be received, which will be refereed by the Editorial Committee with the aim of determining their readability and relevance to the content of the magazine.


The magazine prioritizes works whose content focuses on the analysis, design, conceptualization and development processes that define and configure the results related to human beings and their activities.