The years of Gumbrecht and Schlögel: Presence, meaning and justice in the historical discourse
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The years of Gumbrecht and Schlögel: Presence, meaning and justice in the historical discourse. (2021). Revista Ecúmene De Ciencias Sociales , 1(3), 72-85.


The essay shows a comparison of the consequential works of the German historians Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht and Karl Schlögel: In 1926. Living in the Edge of Time and Moscow, 1937, respectively. The purpose of this comparative exercise is to reflect on the notions of presence, meaning and justice for the historical discourse and practice that arise when one and the othermworks are analyzed insofar their juxtaposition. Firstly, I expose the content of both works and later I introduce the problem of justice that, I argue, emerges naturally of the consideration of both works. Finally, I conclude with a reflection on the possible solution (or solutions) that can be presented to the issue at hand

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