The cases of Tremec and Kellogg's Workers' struggles in Querétaro, 1970-1980
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How to Cite

The cases of Tremec and Kellogg’s Workers’ struggles in Querétaro, 1970-1980. (2024). Revista Ecúmene De Ciencias Sociales , 1(9), 114-136.


The objective of this article is to present some general aspects of the workers' 
struggle in the city of Querétaro, Querétaro, between the end of the 1970s and 
the beginning of the 1980s, when industrialization had reached its peak of 
growth. We will focus on the strikes at two factories, Tremec and Kellogg's, since 
they serve as examples of the relationship that existed between the workers and 
the left-wing positions of that time, as well as the repression of the companies, 
the official confederations and the State. To do this, we triangulated three docu
mentary sources: interviews, press and government reports. With this, we can 
conclude that the presence of the left among the workers' struggles, although a 
minority, was organized enough to promote unionism, however, corporatism and open repression prevented its take root. Thus, we contribute to the history of the workers' struggle, of the left and of the political history of Querétaro and Mexico. 


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