Primary Production Systems Based on Agroecology, Agrobiodiversity and Bioethics to Proceed Towards Sustainable Production
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Nowadays, primary food production systems are strongly criticized because of the production methods implemented during the green revolution which have not complied with everything agreed in its process. Without noticed, how all these situations lead to a bioethical philosophical debate. The objective of this review is to present the current situation regarding these practices and the possible approach proposed by different authors for an adequate or sustainable management based on an interdisciplinary perspective. This document presents an analysis of the impact that biotechnological advances have had to achieve a sustainable management of these production systems in recent years. It was concluded that the traditional way of ecological agriculture of small producers in rural areas was and should be the cultural base of production due with new technologies in order to develop sustainable primary production systems contemplating social, ethical, ecological, and economic conscience, in benefit of each and everyone.
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