The steam approach: an educational innovation proposal for the industrial safety course of the professional improvement foundation of the college of engineers of Venezuela
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Virtual learning environment
Educational innovation
Learning and Knowledge technologies

How to Cite

The steam approach: an educational innovation proposal for the industrial safety course of the professional improvement foundation of the college of engineers of Venezuela . (2024). Revista Ecúmene De Ciencias Sociales , 1(9), 185-205.


In the search to improve educational quality in virtual learning environments, 
there is increasing interest in introducing innovations, which implies considering 
new curricular contents, the use of different materials, various technologies, new 
teaching strategies and the change of the roles of educational actors. Based on 
the above, the general objective of this research was to design an educational 
innovation proposal based on the STEAM approach that allows generating a 
change in the virtual learning environment of the Industrial Safety course of the 
College's Professional Improvement Foundation. of Engineers of Venezuela. 
Methodologically, it is conceived from a holistic understanding of the research. 
The type of research is projective, with field design, contemporary transectional 
and univariable. To design the improvements, it was necessary to diagnose the 
needs for change in each of the components of the virtual learning environment 
and identify the innovations that could be generated from STEAM as an active 
learning methodology through structured observation with a guide. observation, 
and documentary review with an analysis matrix. The proposal is aimed at 
introducing these improvements in each of the components of the virtual learning 
environment towards achieving an effective and efficient educational process 
through educational innovation.

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