Socio-spatial analysis through of the Territori Method in the Autonomous Municipality of Cherán K´eri (2011-2020)
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Cherán Kéri
Socio-spatial analysis
Territori Method

How to Cite

Socio-spatial analysis through of the Territori Method in the Autonomous Municipality of Cherán K´eri (2011-2020). (2024). Revista Ecúmene De Ciencias Sociales , 1(9), 61-79.


The socio-spatial analysis of the autonomous municipality of Cherán K´eri (Mi
choacán, México) demonstrates how the processes, actors, and places influence 
the socio-spatial dynamics of the Purépecha indigenous community. Understand
ing socio-spatial transformations allows for the analysis of transformation in 
space with social processes to recognize the conservation strategies and genera

tion of natural resources by the indigenous community. The research methodolo
gy had two phases: archival work and fieldwork. First, investigations from several 
disciplines in the study area were reviewed, followed by visits to the community to 
conduct surveys and generate new texts such as cartography and discourse anal
ysis to confirm that the inhabitants of Cherán K´eri implement conservation 
strategies of their natural resources focusing on local knowledge and traditional 
practices. For the socio-spatial analysis, quantitative and qualitative methods and 
techniques were employed, such as discourse analysis and the development of 
maps using geographic information systems (SIG). The Territorii method allowed 
for explaining the findings encountered in the autonomous municipality of 
Cherán, emphasizing the creation of strategies for the conservation of natural 


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