Use and Appropriation of Digital Technologies in Three Activist Groups of Sexually Diverse Women: Musas de Metal, Bisexualas México and BiTriadas

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Luis Daniel Velázquez Bañales
Efrén Pérez de la Mora


The objective of this article is to analyze how three groups of sexually diverse activist women appropriate digital media in their fight against discrimination. The authors focus on the way in which these women use digital networks and design strategies to take their demands online. In order to carry out the study, we review the relationship between social movements and new media and the categories of use, appropriation, and digital strategies are discussed and utilized to analyze activists’ practices in digital scenarios. We have used a qualitative method, whereby in-depth interviews were conducted with the activists and their testimonies about their fight against discrimination and stereotyping in digital settings were recovered.

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How to Cite
Use and Appropriation of Digital Technologies in Three Activist Groups of Sexually Diverse Women: Musas de Metal, Bisexualas México and BiTriadas. (2023). Estancias, 3(6), 187-213.

How to Cite

Use and Appropriation of Digital Technologies in Three Activist Groups of Sexually Diverse Women: Musas de Metal, Bisexualas México and BiTriadas. (2023). Estancias, 3(6), 187-213.


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