El modelo agambeano de estancia y su desafío al hiato sujeto/objeto

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Edgar Morales Flores
María Fernanda Miranda González


In what sense does the Agambean notion of “stanza” escape, if at all, from the traditional jurisdiction of ontological and epistemic problems based on the hiatus subject/object? This is the question that this article seeks to answer through the analysis of some ideas from the Warburgian period of Giorgio Agamben (with incidence in later works). The article aims to explore the possibility of reverting four onto-epistemic assumptions: a) Between subjects and objects a hiatus must be established that guarantees the objectivity of the cognitive game; b) the purely intellective exercise is the only way to access the real; c) the mere experience of the real is devoid of intelligibility; and d) the donation of meaning to experience is only possible on condition that the later is renounced.

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How to Cite
El modelo agambeano de estancia y su desafío al hiato sujeto/objeto. (2021). Estancias, 1(1), 157-180. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/estancias/article/view/327

How to Cite

El modelo agambeano de estancia y su desafío al hiato sujeto/objeto. (2021). Estancias, 1(1), 157-180. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/estancias/article/view/327