Global Changes and Balances of Power in Times of Disequilibrium: An Interpretation from Bolivia

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Franco Gamboa Rocabado


This article analyzes the main trends in the middle of the readjustments of the balance of power in the international arena, where Latin America is still subdued to multiple swinging contradictions. It did not reboot its productivity and competitiveness conditions, so the economic crises expanded inequality together with the return of several forms of authoritarianism. The promises of an auspicious future thanks to globalization, always stumbled with the economic boom of other countries in Asia, the persistence of poverty, the deep institutionalized corruption and the crisis of a Latin American State that is unable to control its frontiers, nor the pressure coming from organized crime. These phenomena functions as roots that arise many doubts about the optimism in a substantial economic improvement, besides it turns the region into a scenario of constant unbalances. The analysis is made from the perspective from Bolivia, its problems as a country in conflict with Chile due to the access to the Pacific Ocean, and due to the effects that Evo Morales developed in his tenure as president of the country.

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How to Cite
Global Changes and Balances of Power in Times of Disequilibrium: An Interpretation from Bolivia. (2023). Estancias, 3(5), 47-92.
Author Biography

Franco Gamboa Rocabado, Universidad de Marymount, Washington, Estados Unidos

Doctor en Gestión Pública y Relaciones Internacionales por la London School of Economics and Political Science, Londres, Inglaterra. Miembro del Yale World Fellows Program en Yale University. Actualmente es profesor invitado en la Universidad de Marymount, Washington, Estados Unidos. Su actividad profesional ha combinado el asesoramiento a instituciones públicas como los Ministerios de la Presidencia y de Gobierno, y a organismos de cooperación al desarrollo como la UNESCO, el BID y USAID, junto con la investigación y el estudio crítico de la democracia en Bolivia. Entre sus libros más recientes se encuentra 40 ensayos para repensar la política. Bolivia en la encrucijada (La Paz, Signo Ensayo, 2019).

How to Cite

Global Changes and Balances of Power in Times of Disequilibrium: An Interpretation from Bolivia. (2023). Estancias, 3(5), 47-92.


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