Medical Malpractice in Aesthetic Procedures

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Carmen Di Mare Hering
Mónica Hernández Uva
Hephzibah On González
Erick Pérez Buendía
Sharon Florence Ramírez
Arianna Hernández Alvarado
Valentina Clemente Figueroa


The characteristics of medical malpractice in cosmetic surgery in Costa Rica are exposed and measures to avoid negligence are proposed. A bibliographic review of medical databases was carried out to define malpractice and the national press was consulted to define the current status. The particularity of cosmetic surgery in which the result of this not only guides the treatment, but also influences the willingness and consent to perform such procedure is exposed. It is suggested to know the characteristics of this medical act, to reinforce the medical-patient communication, the informed consent, the clinical history, to have the adequate infrastructure and the suitable personnel. In addition, it is contemplated to continue the debate on the regulation of this specialty for the benefit of the patient who undergoes aesthetic procedures and the responsibility of the physician and the patient in this medical act.

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Author Biography

Carmen Di Mare Hering, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Costa Rica.

Doctora en Medicina por la Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica, Costa Rica. Profesora en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Costa Rica.

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