Performance analysis of recycled concrete aggregates in cement-based tile adhesive formulations
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ceramic adhesives
recycled concrete aggregates
calcium carbonates
concrete waste

How to Cite

Performance analysis of recycled concrete aggregates in cement-based tile adhesive formulations. (2024). SketchIN, 6(11), 6-19.


The study was aimed to analyze the performance of recycled concrete aggregates in substitution of calcium carbonates in economic cement-based tile adhesives formulations (Type A) , according with current Mexican standard code NMX-C-420-1-ONNCCE, trials were realized to evaluate formulations in fresh state, besides open time evaluation. It was made a control formula with conventional aggregates and its performance was compared against formulations with recycled aggregates. Research results suggest that it is feasible to consider the use of recycled concrete aggregates, as long as it takes into consideration a water demand increase effect, besides properly granulometric controls, and utilization of adequate methods for processing concrete wastes that do not increase their costs

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